Other Places Where Solar Was Successful

        According to an article titled “Solar Disinfection Improves Water Quality”  solar power is also being used to purify drinking water in Kenya. The Kenya Water For Health Organization has created a system called SOIDS that has benefited over 20,000 families in Kenya.  This simple technology is used mostly for small quantities of water.  Contaminated water is poured into plastic bottles, placed in full sunlight and left undisturbed for 6 hours.  The ultraviolet rays from the sun destroy some of the pathogenic organisms that are known to cause diseases and diarrhea among the people in Kenya.  According to the article “If the water rises above 50 degrees Celsius the disinfection process is three times faster.”  This simple technology has greatly impacted the lives of families in Kenya.  They are now spending less money to cover health care costs and there is a slimmer risk of acquiring a water-borne disease.   Although this is the first step to increasing the access to the vital resource of pure water, this simple system has some set-backs.  Dr. Bob Metcalf a microbiologist said “The SODIS method cannot be used for turbid water or for milk, since turbidity and non-clear liquids tend to block the sunlight from reaching and destroying all the bacteria. Also, tests have found that viruses are more resistant to direct sunshine than are bacteria.” Despite these limitations it is evident that solar power is a dramatic step that can be harnessed and used in Third World countries to begin purifying water.(Solar Disinfection, 2005)  It is being used with success in both Thailand and Kenya and these simple technologies should be spread throughout the world to increase the abundance of cleaner drinking water for those who do not have the amenities we have in the United States. 

                Solar power can also be applied to water utilities that we use here in the United States.  This is a good candidate for solar power as it requires the reliable, affordable and environmentally friendly benefits of solar power.   The prices for solar panels have decreased dramatically in the past several years, however they are still pretty expensive with the initial cost of the panels, inverters, wiring system and labor for installation but there are long run benefits as this form of energy will still save money in the long run.  According to an article titled “Solar Makes Sense for Water Utilities” many companies have taken part in agreements called PPAs or power purchase agreements, where a company agrees to have solar panels installed on their property and subsequently pay a  fee for the power produced.   PPA’s also offer a great deal of benefits as investors do not have maintain these machines, and it is a “relatively risk free investment” as the consumer only has to pay for the amount of energy they are receiving. (Raeke,2010) Solar energy, under these arrangements, saves the utilities money and allows them to provide their customers with sanitary drinking water without the harmful effects of fossil fuels.